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Men's engagement rings

Discover our stunning collection of men's engagement ring styles from £875. Crafted with your choice of gemstones or GH/VS diamonds and 950 solid Platinum or 18k recycled gold.

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Luxury quality for a fair price

By cutting out the unnecessary middlemen, we’re able to offer you only the best gemstones at as much as 4x less than the industry, all without compromising on quality, size or traceability.

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We want to make things easy, so our expert gemmologists are here for you however you want to talk. Book your virtual or in-person appointment with us today.

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"Engagement rings to make anyone say 'I do'"

"The best emerald cut engagement rings"

"One of the most refined and elegant gifts you could buy"

"Gemstone rings for the Instagram age - colourful, affordable and ethically sourced"

"As unique as the woman wearing it"