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The LGBTQ+ charities you need to know


The LGBTQ+ charities you need to know

Discover the five LGBTQ+ charities you need to know.

Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT) 

Founded in 1989, AKT serves LGBTQ+ young people who are homeless or living in a hostile environment. They’re support includes things such as providing emergency accommodation in crisis situations, mentorship programmes and helping young people to develop their skills and set goals to help them succeed in life. We're proud to have AKT as one of our charity partners for our book Notes on Love. 

The Kaleidoscope Trust 

Did you know that people are still crimialised and prosecuted for being gay in 69 countries? The Kaleidoscope Trust are working to uphold the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people across the commonwealth countries. Their work focuses on partnering with governments, change-makers and civil society organisations to effect meaningful and lasting change. 


An LGBT helpline providing information and support - having worked with millions of people since its conception in 1974. They provide a safe and understanding ear to listen to the issue someone is facing, providing practical advice and signposting where relevant. Conversations are always 100% confidential and all volunteers are members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Stonewall UK

The largest LGBT rights organisation in Europe, formed in 1989 by political activists and others lobbying against Section 28. Since their conception the charity has played an integral role in ensuring equal rights within the UK for LGBTQ+ people to love, marry and have children as they wish. Their working is ongoing - ensuring further progression within UK society, as well as internationally.  

Bi Pride UK

Their goal is to celebrate all people who experience attraction beyond gender, and to work towards a society where everyone can be who they are publicly and proudly without fear of ridicule or harassment. They do this in a range of ways including ensuring bi-inclusion across LGBTQ+ events, providing informational resources, and connecting people within the community. 

Black Trans Foundation

The Black Trans Foundation offers funded therapy to Black trans and non-binary people across the UK - playing an important role in supporting marginaised people within the LGBTQ+ community. They’re also present in the activism space, campaigning for better access and research in the healthcare sector, legislative changes and providing educational resources. 

We hope this blog post can be a useful signpost, highlighting the work of these wonderful charities, and the resources accessible to people of the LGBTQ+ community.

And of course there are many other incredible charities around the world working to support LGBTQ+ people be that providing advice, guidance and support, refuge and campaigning for changes to the laws to ensure equality for all members of the community. 

We encourage you to research further, to support these charities where possible and to encourage any LGBTQ+ you may know to draw upon these resources if needed. 

Love, Fenton x


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